

Suggestions, improvements and discussion:

  • TODO

Git branches

What follows is a table of the git branches used in md-toc’s repository. Please, do NOT open pull requests on the master, dev or gh-pages branches. Use bugfix-${fix_name} or newfeature-${new_feature_name} instead.

Branch Description Update schedule
master the main branch every new release
dev recent changes are merged here before a new release at will
gh-pages contains the built documentation only every new release
bugfix-${fix_name} a generic bug fix  
newfeature-${new_feature_name} a generic new feature  


First of all install the software requirements from the requirements.txt file in the repository’s root:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Unit tests

If you have changed parts of the source code you MUST take care of adding the corresponding unit tests. Once you have done that run the following command in a terminal:

$ python test

or simply:

$ make test

Python PEP compliancy

To be able to lint and test for PEP compliancy you need to run:

$ make pep


You can edit and rebuild all this documentation with:

$ make doc


Go in the repository’s root and then:

grep -e TODO -e FIXME -n */*.py

Contribution Steps

  1. clone the repository
  2. install the requirements
  3. write code
  4. write unit tests
  5. run tests
  6. run PEP linter and check
  7. update relevant documentation, if necessary
  8. pull request